Saturday, October 26, 2013

Barcelona- Paella, Sangria, and the Beach

Date of this adventure: April 20, 2013

Parc del Laberint d'Horta

We found this labyrinth in Barcelona's oldest garden listed on TripAdvisor, and we knew we needed to visit. When we arrived, we were surrounded by Spanish families. (Not many tourists make it to this park because it is outside of the  city's center.) With an air of confidence we strolled into the labyrinth thinking we would be at the finish line in no time.

It was not as easy as it looked. We weaved back and forth through the hedges wondering how the partially see-through "walls" were so good at deceiving us.

After quite a while navigating the maze, we ended up back at the labyrinth's entrance... We felt quite defeated at this point.

Eventually we made it through, and we were quite pleased to have completed the challenge. If you have already seen the "must-see" attractions in Barcelona, then I recommend visiting this garden, particularly if you have any kids.

Looking at the labyrinth from above

Paella and sangria for lunch

Warm weather made a welcomed appearance, and everyone in Barcelona flocked to the beaches. Laying out on the beach was quite an experience. Despite having to cover our faces (equally to protect our eyes from immodest swimwear and to protect our faces from getting burned by a sun we hadn't seen in ages) and having to tune out the locals who were selling drinks by shouting "Mojiiiiiiiiiitos!!!!!," we really enjoyed soaking up some sun on the beach. [Tip: This beach is not exactly where I would recommend going is you want a perfectly relaxing and peaceful day by the ocean.]

[Can anyone teach me how to make this kind of bread?]

After attempting (and failing) to get FC Barcelona tickets to the game that evening, we ended up watching the game a a local cafe while enjoying a Spanish ham sandwich and Spanish hot chocolate. Very tasty. 

Watching a football match with the locals always makes for an exciting evening!

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